Harvesting Durians

Durian flowers aren't exactly eye catching. Durian trees can grow up to as high as 50 metres and the flowers would dangle so high up on a branch there that you' d have to strain your eyes to see it. While the  flowers are produced in three to thirty clusters, each flower bears a not very attractive calyx and  its four to six petals aren't that big and colourful like most of the flowers in the garden. While in Pulau Langkawi, there was a flowering durian tree where we stayed.  It's not everyday that one see the durian tree flowers I suppose; not that many people grow a durian tree in their garden; and durian trees actually have only one or two flowering periods per year. Then, when the fruits mature; upon riping, they will fall to the ground on their own accord. Traditionally and locally, farmers will wait overnight in little shacks to harvest; but for many years, I've heard that durian exporters in Thailand picked their durians and later induce them to ripen.

A durian farm in Thailand...
