Reining in the Stallions

Somehow, I just like it; planting any plants that I lay my hands on, at any space available  and letting them grow wild like nobody's business, like wild stallions running free in the wild grassland. I like the greenery and the occasional spurts of colours; but lately, the area I'm staying in had been designated as first, a Chikugunya area and then, a dengue area. Heard of neighbours falling victims to the diseases; sometimes as many as four in a family. Each evening, health officers were out to fog the area and at a few places, banners were put up to inform the public about the hot spots. Sometimes, I do wonder if the constant fogging will kill the mosquitoes or slowly poison the humans; and putting up the banners would solve the problem at hand or put fear instead; for already I heard some people had shunned the popular morning market temporarily. I suppose at the moment, I'll just rein in my wild stallions. I'll give the plants a trim.
