Dahlias are natives of Mexico? And they are not well suited to extremely hot and humid climates? That comes as a surprise. As far as I can remember, these are my mom's favourite flowers. She grew yellow, red, orange, pink, white, purple dahlias and they flourished and some were so beautiful that they got stolen. My first attempt in growing dahlias was after coming back from Fraser Hill, Pahang. Over there, they were grown as ornamental plants but they were not as many and beautiful as the ones we used to see back home in Taiping's Maxwell Hill, long renamed Bukit Larut; used to, I say, because for a long time now , you don't see dahlias in the hill. Before there were rows and rows of white, red, yellow, purple dahlias tended lovingly by Indian gardeners. One could even go up for a beer and have some chicken chop and order some dahlias to take home. Someone once told me dahlias are not an easy plant to grow. I suppose that was why my one and only attempt at growing dahlias failed and the dahlias once a trademark of Maxwell Hill had given way to other more hardy ornamental plants.