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Animal Talk: A whopping Bill
Ikan Patin or silver catfish (inset) was in the limelight in Malaysia and why not, a group of 50 customers having the fish for lunch in a restaurant in Temerloh, Pahang, was slapped with a whopping RM13,000 bill! - that comes to about RM 260 each. Ikan patin is usually cooked with fermented durian, known locally as tempoyak in a dish called gulai tempoyak or fermented durian curry. The price of the durian is not expensive by itself, but ikan patin can cost as much as RM200 or RM250 per kg especially if it is Patin muncung, which by far, is the most expensive variety. Ikan patin reared in cages in the river, being sold at about RM13 to RM15 per kg , is relatively cheaper compared to the wild variety. But the news of the whopping lunch bill shocked many since it is said that when cooked with tempoyak, the fish should just cost RM7 to RM12. I suppose it is not that one put a whole big fish weighing hundreds of kilos into the dish.