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When I heard that Michael Jackson's hit song, Ben was the theme song for a 1972 movie, a sequel to the 1971 killer rat movie, Willard, I was a bit surprised. It had never crossed my mind that the song has anything to do with rats/ Anyway, there is also this story that I have read about rats. It seems that there is this treeless, volcanic island in the 1,000-mile (1,609-km) long Aleutian chain in Alaska which is infested with what else but rats and is appropriately called Rat Island! Rats have been said to have first landed there two centuries ago when in 1780, a Japanese sailing ship shipwrecked there. The rats had wreaked havoc on millions of seabirds which had no natural defenses against land predators and biologists are now trying to wipe the rats out. I don't know if the story is true or that rats can live in such a bare island but can you imagine our earth becoming a place like that?