Animal Take : Pick your Cat

Jim Monsma of the WashingtonAnimal Rescue League in Washington DC has this to say about cats: Cats are not all the same. They have widely divergent personalities. As a result, the shelter is using the Feline-ality programme which is a personality test to match cats with its owners. The test which takes into consideration among other things, eye contact and interest in toys by the cats to assess the variety of behaviours in the cats was developed by behaviourist Dr Emily Weiss of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. You'd get to pick your cat someday just like you pick your spouse!


Liudmila said…
Oh my god! How could he/she make them all stay so calm all together????
footiam said…
Beats me. That's just as bad as putting a cat in a bottle like the bonsai cats in my old blog at beautiful world.