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Animal Talk: Doggone World!
It's a doggone world! It is said that there are about 70,000 stray dogs in Mumbai and there are widespread concerns about their role in spreading disease such as the deadly rabies. US actress Pamela Anderson of BayWatch fame has appealed to the Indian authorities there not to put down nuisance stray dogs. She called for them to be sterilised instead, citing World Health Organisation and Animal Health Board of India support for mass sterilisation. In Nilai, Rasah, Ampangan, Mantin, Lenggeng, Pantai, Rantau, Labu and Senawang in Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, there's another doggone world. Over here, dog owners, under a new ruling, must get written permission from their neighbours to keep their dogs in their homes. According to the Council president Datuk Abdul Halim Abdul Latif, the ruling covers dogs which are three months old and above. Dog owners can keep more than two dogs provided their premises are at least 1,000 sq metres and more than four dogs if the area is larger than 1,000 sq metres. Owners must ensure that their dogs do not defecate in public places and roam freely outside their compound. I suppose dogs must go back to live and breed in the wilds!