I am no Grizzly!

This is not the real me!
This is the real me!
I am no blood- drenched bear! Don't be fooled by those grizzly movies! Use your head man! I am normally a solitary animal and a sow is only very protective of her offspring and will attack only if she thinks she is being threatened!


Liudmila said…
It was a film with Barth, I think. There was only that bear so imponent maybe. I cry every time I see documentary about him and his masters. What a tragedy is to live with them all their life and than they have to leave you...
footiam said…
Movies on animals are always touching but sometimes, they turn the animals into monsters which is not very accurate!
Liudmila said…
Many movies are not "accurate" because the movie-managers work for money.

I think about the real bear -in this case. His name was Barth. He died at 23 years because had cancer. He was really enormous. Those persons took other bears but they are not so great as Barth was.

And that enormous animal loved them so much!!! The man could be so calm with him that he put the head in the mouth of the bear.

Animals are very different as the persons. And they never forget if you saved them the life too.
footiam said…
Barth is news to me! Didn't now its story! NIce and thanks!