Puss In Mugs

Most veterinarians would recommend that we are vaccinated against common illnesses at 2-3 months of age. That's to protect us against Feline viral rhinotracheitis (FVR), Feline calicivirus (C), and Feline panleukopenia (P). Meanwhile, while we are here in these mugs, we feel very protected - albeit a false sense of protection!


Liudmila said…
These poor kittens! And I've seen photos where photographer (woman) put children in similar recipients...
footiam said…
oh! Some mothers put children in their car and then go shopping! Sometimes, I thing a car is a terrible invention!
fwidman said…
how cute they are! Kittens are so adorable :)
Anonymous said…
Oh so adorable kitten. Come to think of, I haven't seen real kitten for ages!
footiam said…
And they look very cute in their little mugs! Wait till you see Bonsai cats at http://steptpg.blogspot.com/2007/09/bonsai-cats.html
footiam said…
Wait till you see them at http://steptpg.blogspot.com/2007/09/bonsai-cats.html