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Chapter 1: Transport (F5)
Unicellular and multicellular organism require a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients. Waste products like carbon dioxide and urea have also to be eliminated from the cell. Unicellular organisms have a big total surface area to volume ratio and this allows the efficient diffusion of respiratory gases, nutrients and waste products into and out of the cell. Multicellular organisms need to have a circulatory system to transport materials throughout the body.The human circulatory system consists of blood , blood vessels and the heart. Blood consists of blood cells and plasma . Blood cells consist of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.Plasma consists of water, plasma proteins, nutrients, metabolic waste, hormones and antibodies. Blood vessels are of three types: arteries, veins and capillaries . The circulation of the blood in humans is maintained by the pumping of the heart and the contraction of the skeletal muscles around veins. The heart has 4 chambers: left and right atria, and left and right ventricle. The tricuspid valve separates the right atrium from the right ventricle. The bicuspid valve separates the left atrium from the left ventricle. The valves prevent backflow of blood. Humans, fish, amphibians and birds have a closed circulatory system . Insects have an open circulatory system . Fish have a single circulatory system. Amphibians, birds and humans have a double circulatory system . Our circulatory system has a blood clotting mechanism which stops blood loss at the site of the damaged blood vessels. Clotting prevent serious blood loss, entry of microorganisms and maintain blood pressure as well as circulation of blood.The circulatory system is involved in the body's defense mechanism. The first line of defense consists of physical and chemical barriers that prevent pathogens from entering the body. The second line of defense involves phagocytes which perform phagocytosis . The third line of defense involves our body's immune system . Active immunity means the body makes its own antibodies in response to stimulation by an antigen.Passive immunity means the body receives antibodies from an outside source.The lymphatic system consists of lymphatic cappilaries , lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes and lympatic ducts . Excess interstitial fluid is drained into the lymphatic vessels and returned to the circulatory system. Transport in plants is provided by the vascular tissues. Vascular tissues include xylem and phloem .Translocation is the transport of organic solutes in phloem.Transpiration is the loss of water vapour from the surfaces of plants through evaporation.Transpiration is affected by external condition such as light intensity, air movement, humidity and temperature.Root pressure , capillary action and transpirational pull cause movement of water from the roots to the leaves.The opening and closing of the stomata helps in the regulation of transpiration. Guttation is the process where there is an exudation of drops of a liquid containing water and dissolved substances from the tip of the leaves. Guttation happens at night when the atmosphere is hot and moist.