Chapter 1 Introduction to Biology

  • Biology is the science of life.
  • In Latin 'bios' means life while 'logos' refers to knowledge.
  • The study of Biology includes the study of living things, their environment as well as the interaction of living things with their environment.
  • Fields of study and careers related to Biology include biochemistry, physiology, genetics, botany, zoology, ecology, microbiology and biotechnology.
  • Biological studies like the other sciences emphasise on inquiry and problem solving.
  • Scientific skills are important in any scientific investigation like conducting experiments and carrying out projects.
  • Scientific investigation involves the following steps:

(i) Observe a situation and identify all the variables.

(ii) Suggest a question that is suitable for a scientific investigation.

(iii) Discuss to

- form a hypothesis

-plan the method of investigation including selection of apparatus and work procedures

(iv) Carry out an experiment

- to collect and tabulate data

- present the data in a suitable form

- interpret the data and draw conclusions

- write a complete report

  • Practise scientific attitudes and noble values.
  • These include curiosity, critical thinking, being systematic, fair, truthful objective, confident and independent.
