Animal Take : Smoking Shirley

Offer a cigarette to Shirley the orang utan in the zoo in Johor, Malaysia instead of a banana. Shirley, the orang utan, is a smoker! She begs for cigarettes and puffs away when she has one. It is no wonder there are lots of cigarette stubs outside her cage. Do keep this in mind though: Shirley is picky about the cigarettes she smokes. She will reject certain brands! And remember too, when you offer the ape a cigarette, you probably would also be placing her health at stake! No wonder some NGOs are getting angry about the whole issue!


Liudmila said…
It's sad that we teach animals to follow our bad behaviours. They repeat by devotion and finish with the illnesses.
footiam said…
We are also teaching the children the same thing, aren't we?